Kira and the point of no return

This story was initially written in Italian, my mother tongue, and the original version is undeniably better than the self-made English translation. This excerpt has been a draft for several, too many, years now: I started writing it while attending the CESAN comics school in Paris and initially planned on making it a multi-volumes comics series.
Then time passes, the sun rises and sets, kids go to kindergarten, and the article remains unpublished. Which is "terrible, but not very terrible" (–Ursula K Le Guin, thanks Irene).
As of today, I still find this excerpt so relevant for the contemporary times we are living in that I simply don't want to wait anymore. For the project to be perfect, to be ready, to be... So I'll just let it be.
I once read that the only possible creative moment is now.
So here it is (Italian version below).